
Digital Signage

So, what differentiates digital signage from an everyday billboard? The biggest differences are ease and variety. Digital signs can be updated from almost any computer or device in any location through a wireless connection! Regular static billboards constantly need to be updated manually which takes manpower and time. Digital signs require specialized setup, but only need to be erected once! Once they are connected virtually, they are good to go! 

Supplying Crucial Info

Supplying customers and clients with accurate and useful information is crucial to streamlining their experience and ensuring the best image for your company. Currently, most businesses are turning to online outlets to showcase their most critical info to customers whether this is through their website via a google search or through QR code scanning at their brick and mortar location. Being accessible is key! 

Filling The Gap

The year 2020 feels long – currently, we are in the sixth month of what seems like a decade with the unpredictability we have been experiencing. In the past few months, the economy has experienced many downs and businesses are continuing to rebuild from the damage the pandemic has caused. However, not all is bleak because, despite the economic hardships, many industries are taking it as a learning experience and putting forward new methods to meet consumer demands. What may have been considered impossible to incorporate last year is being  proven otherwise. 

Recipe For an Awesome Team

Elite Business and Marketing began with a single broker and has grown into the dedicated team it has today. Despite the hurdles our business has faced the last few months, like many small businesses still are, we’ve maintained our communication between our departments and our clients.

Let The Data Speak to You!

Analytics are taking off – it seems like every day a new program is coming out to track a different aspect of marketing data. There is so much to be learned from analyzing campaign results and any good marketing agency knows that continuously improving on previous work is the key to success. So, what really are the key benefits to analytics, and which data points should be prioritized for maximum growth?

Product Marketing

Without a doubt, the product marketing landscape is facing a major shift. Marketers have to alter their approach to capture the right kind of attention from a currently preoccupied audience, and now more than ever there is an expectation for companies to adapt and stay tactful while still maintaining an upward trend. By studying consumer shifts, expertly planning a conscious marketing strategy, and being transparent about a new product a company can expect reception from its audience.

Rewiring Business

Many businesses began the new roaring 20’s with a positive outlook, a clear set of financial goals, and a map planning out their growth strategies and their potential. Company leaders and employees prepared themselves for a multitude of precautions as normally done — insurance, fire procedures, prepared events and meetings… but it’s safe to say that most of us were just not prepared for a pandemic and an economic shut-down of this magnitude.

Embracing Digital Change

Zoom meetings in pajamas, conference calls from your bed…wherever you find yourself during these atypical weeks, you may be wondering if this technological switch will outlast the economic shutdown. Almost every service you can fathom is investing in an online alternative to keep things afloat – and many of these inventive methods can serve as inspiration for your changing business model.

Digital Transformation

You may have heard the buzzword “digital transformation”, but the definition has changed throughout the years and grows alongside technological advancements.  Historically, the first example of a “digital transformation” in business was the switch from paper data filing to online databases used to store critical company information. This allowed businesses to be more organized, efficient, and accountable.

Your Business vs. Data Pirates!

Keeping your data safe is what keeps you in business! Clients and employees alike depend on being able to access secured data and should have the ability to rest knowing that their private files and personal information are inaccessible to hackers and those who wish to sell and use their data against their own wishes. As the business owner, you are the face and head of the company. People look to you for guidance. Therefore, it is your responsibility to hire the right people and implement the proper, well-researched tools and software to maintain top of the line cybersecurity. 

Building Your Brand

Branding involves a great deal of research and insight into a target audience. It is important to know the age range, socioeconomic status, gender, and location of an audience to accurately gauge what is trending within their niche. It can be helpful to communicate with those from your desired demographic, and possibly even conduct focus groups to collect information that can then be turned into data. When you have statistical information, you can transform this into content!

Brand Yourself!

When most people hear the word “branding” they assume it has to do with advertising and marketing a business, not an individual. However, as the face of the company, a boss needs to brand themselves with as much care and attention to detail as they would their business. This personal brand must carry through into all interactions with clients and employees and needs to accentuate a person’s positive qualities and industry-specific strengths.

You're The Boss!

This may come as a surprise, but most business owners mistakenly don’t assess their current business position.  At Elite Business Brokerage, we consult many owners in a variety of industries that have a keen understanding of their trade, however, other aspects of their business sometimes lack the proper care and devotion. Taking time to look through every facet of your business will allow you to gain a better perspective of where you may have fallen short in the past and which areas you should improve on in the future.  Establishing goals and setting checkpoints throughout the year will help gauge your continued success and put your company ahead of competitors.

Moving Forward With Marketing in 2020

What new techniques and advancements will this new decade bring for the marketing world? As new technologies develop at a rapid pace, marketers need to be quick, careful, creative, and dedicated to researching trends in 2020. Video marketing on social apps will continue to grow and be profitable, and new apps will pop up and offer untapped advertising space. However, understanding the flippant nature of social platforms is crucial to taking the appropriate risks and making the correct decisions for your campaigns. Voice activated devices and online influencers will also offer a constantly expanding marketing space and should encourage us to push the envelope and take weighted risks in 2020. 

This Is The Sign

2020 is almost upon us! As the holiday season ends, it’s time to reflect on last year’s business decisions and consider what can be done to improve growth in the new year. Have you considered ways to strengthen your company’s image and get ahead of competitors? What steps have you taken to market your business, and have you seen satisfactory results? No matter how well you are doing, there are always areas that could use improvement. Outsourcing your marketing takes the burden off you and your team and opens doors you didn’t know existed.

Common Questions & Concerns

           About Exit Strategies

The term “Exit Strategy” is often associated with “failure” or “planning for the worst,” but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Having one in place is helpful for making future decisions, because it helps you develop an end goal that you can work towards. Over the years we’ve worked with many business owners and helped them figure out their exit strategies and options, and this article will cover some of the questions and concerns we’ve answered for our clients!